We arrived at Rocky Mountain National Park just after lunch. We followed the usual routine – stop and take a picture at the sign, go into the Visitor Center to grab a map, buy National Park patches (the boys have gotten one at every National Park they’ve ever been to… each Park’s patch is unique), and get our Junior Ranger booklets to complete.

(And this marks the end of any family selfies… we left our stick on the rocks right here. Hope someone found it and is enjoying it!)
We wanted to do a hike on this side of the Park, since Rocky Mountain National Park is divided into an east and west side, and we would be staying on the opposite side. We entered the Park on the west side, so we chose a hike not too far from the entrance called Green Mountain.

Notice that Dax found a hiking stick not too far into the start of our hike.

Soon you will also notice that he no longer has the hiking stick, but instead has acquired a huge gash just under his eye that will be evident for at least 4 more days. Boys!
It’s hard to hike when you almost poked your eye out with a stick! Mom to the rescue!

Luckily we all survived the hiking stick incident, moved on, and had fun.

After the hike, we got back into the RV to head over to the east side of the Park. We took Trail Ridge Road, which is the highest continuous paved road in the United States, reaching an elevation of 12,183 feet. It was gorgeous, and the views just kept getting better and better.

We stopped at the Continental Divide to take a picture when we spotted this elk on the other side of the lake!

As we were watching him, he swam across the lake and came right over to visit us!

He came up the hill, crossed the road, and went on his way! An elk on a mission!

We continued our way on Trail Ridge Road, getting closer and closer to the snow and clouds. It was magnificent!

We saw some more elk on the side of the road, and THEN WE SAW…

OUR FRIENDS FROM MELBOURNE BEACH! (No, not the same ones that we saw at Yellowstone). We found our Melbourne Beach friends at 12,000 feet at Rocky Mountain National Park!

Two almost-third-graders and two almost-Kindergarteners freezing their booties off above the tree line in 48 degree weather but having SO MUCH FUN! How great is that?!
After a little while, we parted ways (much to the kiddos’ dismay) but it turned out that we were all staying in the same town on the east side of the park! We met up later at their hotel for dinner, games, and s’mores!

We all had such a fun night! Good food, good company, good times! Don’t you just love how life works out?!