We arrived at Capitol Reef National Park around dinner time. Capitol Reef is in Utah and it’s our 9th National Park of the trip.

We knew that sunsets at Capitol Reef were a “must do”, so we made it a priority to get inside the park before 8:30pm. Anyone who knows our family well knows that we are really strict with bedtimes for our boys (7:30pm lights out!) so this was pushing it for us. “But they both took naps” we told ourselves, “they’ll be fine tomorrow” we told ourselves. Haha, there’s a reason we stick to 7:30pm bedtime. The next day was definitely not sunshine and rainbows. Oh well, lesson learned… but the sunset really was pretty magical.

And some pics with the boys who are up way too late…

The boys were having a blast climbing around and Dax was taking his flashlight-holding job very seriously…

Right as the sun went down a huge rainbow appeared…

Goodnight Capitol Reef, Goodnight 🌙💤